Month: August 2001

The Smallest Place

One of England's most admired heroes, General Charles Gordon (1833-1885), was a devout Christian. Unconcerned about status and wealth, he was passionately ambitious to do God's will. Gordon desired to serve the Lord faithfully, whether it was a big responsibility or a small, unnoticed task.

Attics Are For Mice

I read about a young man who flunked out of the University of Michigan. In shame, he decided to disappear. For the next 4 years he hid in the unused attic of a nearby church. Taking great pains to conceal himself, he quietly prowled around only at night, living off food and water from the kitchen. He never left the building or spoke to a soul. No one ever suspected he was there. One day, a slight mistake gave him away. The young recluse accidentally made some noise and the police were called. He was finally discovered.


This is the age of "How To" books. You can find nearly every kind of "How To" imaginable. In fact, a quick search of one online bookstore revealed 32,000 different "How To" titles!

Looking For Proof

A friend and I were talking about God and life after death. "There is one thing I wish," he said. "I wish I had proof that there is a God."


Many people throughout the world are turning to Jesus Christ for salvation. Others, though, are rejecting Him and looking elsewhere for spiritual peace and fulfillment.

Courage To Stand Alone

It was a morally dark night in Babylon—darker than your workplace, school, or community. King Belshazzar had willfully blasphemed God by desecrating the sacred goblets looted from the temple in Jerusalem. Now Babylon and Belshazzar were about to face God's judgment.

Wisdom For Witnessing

We can learn a lot about effective witnessing by examining our Lord's encounter with the woman at the well (John 4:5-26). He broke all social protocol by talking to this Samaritan woman. And asking her for a drink of water was a compliment of sorts. Later, He had a perfect opportunity to condemn her sinful lifestyle, but He didn't.

'Here I Come'

When I was about 10 years old, I climbed a big pine tree in our yard. Grabbing the topmost branch, I pulled myself up to gain the highest vantage point possible. Suddenly the tip of the old pine snapped and I came plummeting down, landing flat on my back. The impact knocked the wind out of me. As I lay gasping for breath, I thought I was dying—but I wasn't alarmed. In fact, I can recall thinking, I'm going to heaven. Just before lapsing into unconsciousness, I said, "Father, here I come."

Not In Vain

In September of 2000, I attended the 100th-anniversary celebration of a small Bible college in Ohio. When the school began in 1900 with a handful of students and very little money, few observers thought it would last. A year after the doors opened, the founder died during a typhoid epidemic, and the school's prospects appeared dim.